at the bison farm…
We’re Family
Sometimes wrangling children for a picture seems harder than wrangling the bison. Farming is a way of life for our family. It’s an honor to watch our children fall in love with agriculture, our animals and the land.
Our animals are happy and healthy
We owe it to our animals to ensure that they are living happy, healthy lives. Our pasture-raised animals are always handled with respect and ethically harvested. Federal regulations prohibit the use of growth hormones and growth promoting antibiotics in bison.
our farming practices are sustainable
To us, sustainable means farming our land in a way that leaves it exponentially healthier for future generations. We have worked closely with the National Resources Conservation Service to set up our farm in a way that conserves our soil, water, air and natural resources.
Bison | the healthy red meat
Lower in fat and cholesterol than chicken, Bison truly is the ‘healthy red meat’. We love sharing the health benefits of bison meat, and want our consumers to feel good about the products that we offer.